

  1. 冠詞/所有格後面是名詞

    • A man is trying to open his briefcase.
  2. 介系詞後方是名詞

    • With his right, he could finish job.
  3. 及物動詞後方是名詞

    • The new born baby will resemble its mother.
  4. who後方為形容詞子句,前方為先行名詞

    • The employee who was diligent was promoted.


  1. 觀察句子前後文
  2. 空格前面有冠詞, 所有格, 介系詞與及物動詞
  3. 確認名詞位置




  1. 冠詞和名詞之間是形容詞
    • A diligent supervisor will ask for the accurate information.
  2. 所有格和名詞之間是形容詞
    • His main responibility does not include this one.
  3. 介系詞和名詞間是形容詞(有可能是所有格和名詞之間)
    • With his own right, he could finish the job.
  4. 及物動詞與名詞之間是形容詞(有可能是所有格和名詞之間)
    • The new born baby will resemble its beautiful mother.

常出現在 S + V + C 句型的形容詞

  1. be, become, remain後面很常出現名詞或形容詞
  2. be, become, remain後面很常出現形容詞
    • We are able to finish it in no time.
    • The supervisor became interested in the new project.
    • The company has remained competitive since its founding.
  3. 時常以受詞補語形式出現
    • make, keep, find是 S + V + O + OC 句型常見的動詞,在這些動詞後面常會看到當作受詞的名詞,為了修飾當作受詞的名詞,形容詞會被當作OC使用。
    • The reviced regulation made the staff confused.
    • I found this movie very exciting.


  1. 觀察句子空格的前後文
  2. 空格後面是名詞,空格前方會有(S + V + C 和 S + V + O + OC)的動詞。
  3. 確認形容詞的位置(有時間的話可以填入形容詞之後,確認是否可以修飾名詞)



  1. 句子在最前面或最後面,動詞的正前方就是副詞

    • Presumably, you certainly have no reason to do it swiftly.
  2. 插入動詞群組之間的副詞

    • 副詞大部分的位置是在動詞群組之間,因此需要好好了解常出現的動詞群組
      1. 助動詞與原型動詞之間, 助動詞 + RV
        • I can hardly hear you.
      2. have + p.p.
        • We have recently hired a few workers.
      3. be-V + -ing
        • The woman is now subbing.
      4. be-V + 副詞
        • The construction is not yet finished.
      5. 動詞片語之間的副詞
        • She depends wholly on me.
  3. 非限定動詞(動狀詞)也可以副詞來修飾
    具有動詞機能,還具有名詞, 形容詞, 副詞…其他詞性作用的詞類,那就是非限定動詞。
    最常見的就是不定詞, 動名詞, 分詞

  4. to + adv + RV + O(所有格+名詞) + adv

    • We expect to promptly begin our operation efficiently.
  5. -ing + IO + DO + adv

    • They considered showing us the picture immediately.



  1. 副詞+形容詞
    • The audience thought the presentation was really good.
  2. be-V + adv + adv + adj
    • The show is exceptionally well prepared.